Friday, April 24, 2009

Things that have been happening:

Endured through a four day cobbled together juice fast that generated lots of funny feelings and cravings- Emilie was my partner in body punishment or enlightenment and we killed the restriction with spontaneous popcorn consumption. Popcorn never tasted better my friends.

Lots of mind wanderings begetting ideas that I want to follow through with but don’t know if I will. This happens a lot.

Joss Whedon singing meta songs about the creative process. This happens a lot too.

We went to the This American Life beamed across America extravanganza last night, and Dan Savage made me cry.

Whiskey and beer with coworkers- this never happens and it was great.

Sitting in Tiny’s now, listening to Free Bird and thinking about my buddy whom I love whom loves said Bird. How many times have we been in your car with our hands out the windows singing along together in the backroads of Northern California? I think there could never be enough times.


the lanky dance said...

Thats so sweet and so true! If we leave here my car like a freebird. Lynard skynard man, lynard skynard.....

It's me said...

your a beautiful writer.